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What is the adjective for imitate?

2023-05-07 08:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verb imitate which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

imitative Imitating; copying; not original. Modelled after another thing. Synonyms: mimetic, apish, mimic, slavish, epigonic, epigonous, canned, emulative, formulaic, copied, derivative, mimicking, simulated, copycat, plagiarised, plagiarized, copying, plagiaristic, rehashed, emulous, parroted, reflecting, reflective, secondhand, simulant, parrot-like, second-hand, unoriginal, echoic, duplicated, simulative, faked, representational, knockoff, counterfeit, stolen, ripped off, uninventive, unimaginative, uninspired, non-innovative, borrowed, derived, cribbed … more Examples: “Like emulation learning, ontogenetic ritualization does not require individuals to analyze the behavior of others in terms of ends and means in the same way as does imitative learning.” “Though uneven and a bit inchoate, it shows an awareness both of the more complex, radical aspects of Debussy and the Strauss of Salome and Elektra, without being slavishly imitative of either.” “But most of the thought behind JCW for many years has been tired and imitative.” imitable Capable of being imitated or copied. Worthy of imitation. Synonyms: model, archetypal, exemplary, quintessential, classic, definitive, textbook, paradigmatic, archetypical, ideal, prototypical, representative, typical, stock, standard, characteristic, illustrative, perfect, classical, consummate, prime, prototypal, regular, essential, ultimate, archetypic, copybook, absolute, signature, prototypic, standardized, stereotypical, common, best, standardised, supreme, usual, vintage, fundamental, true to type, staple, dinki-di, original, flawless, familiar, conventional, most characteristic, true to form, faultless, impeccable … more Examples: “He replied in his imitable way that he didn't need anyone to teach him his politics.” “It didn't make the poems any less admirable or, for me, even more imitable.” “To keep out the cold, in imitable British style, three-quarter-length car coats are back in tweed, cashmere and wool, featuring velvet collars.” imitational Pertaining to, or employed in, imitation. Examples: “Cognizant that pre-teens and early teens could be part of this viewing group, particular care must be taken not to encourage imitational behaviour, and consequences of violent actions shall not be minimized.” “One of the phenomena, reflecting contradictory tendencies, is the phenomenon of real as well as imitational change interaction, typical of culture and mentality.” imitated simple past tense and past participle of imitate Synonyms: took, cited, excerpted, quoted, referenced, derived, extracted, recited, reproduced, abstracted, copied, parroted, parrotted, paraphrased, rehashed, repeated, retold, chose, culled, drew on, elicited, plagiarized, referred to, alluded to, plagiarised, extraught, drawn on, chosen, taken, reiterated, restated, echoed, rerun, iterated, recapitulated, replayed, dittoed, said again, regurgitated, played again, trotted out, rebroadcast, reran, rehearsed, duplicated, sayed, said, recalled, recapped, ingeminated … more Examples: “In essence, the technique consists of speaking the first language with an imitated accent of another language.” imitating present participle of imitate Synonyms: mimicking, parodying, caricaturing, mocking, impersonating, doing, burlesquing, aping, spoofing, travestying, personating, monkeying, dittoing, shamming, affecting, pretending, feigning, assuming, reflecting, repeating, sending up, taking off, posing as, masquerading as, doing an impression of, passing oneself off as, acting like, pretending to be, putting on, making like, playing a part, doing like, doing likewise, modeling after, patterning after, doing an impression, following in footsteps, trying to be like, satirizing, copying, satirising, lampooning, playing, representing, miming, portraying, simulating, ridiculing, acting, making fun of … more See Also What is another word for imitate? What is the opposite of imitate? Sentences with the word imitate Words that rhyme with imitate What is the adverb for imitate? What is the noun for imitate? Translations for imitate Use our Adjective Dictionary Nearby Words imitability imitable imitableness imitancy imitant imitants imitated imitater imitaters imitates imitating imitation 7-letter Words Starting With i im imi imit imita imitat






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